Blepharospasm 101: Causes, Types, and Management

Blepharospasm, commonly known as eyelid twitching or tics, refers to the involuntary and repetitive jerking of your eyelids. While you…

7 years ago

4 Tips to Prevent Sports-Related Eye Injuries

The Eye Injury Snapshot, a yearly survey conducted by The American Academy of Ophthalmology, shows that 40% of eye injury…

7 years ago

Contact Lens Care Dos and Dont’s

Six One Six Vision Center offers high-quality contact lenses as a reliable vision correction method. While they are among the…

7 years ago

4 Reliable Tips to Protect Your Child’s Eyes This Spring

With the warm spring days coming, your child may be looking forward to spending a lot of time outdoors. The…

7 years ago

Reliable Ways to Manage AMD and Digital Eye Strain

As your visual health advocate, Six One Six Vision Center is committed to educating families in the community about proper…

7 years ago

Q and A: What You Need to Know About Glaucoma

If any of your eye structures become impaired, this may result in vision problems like glaucoma, a “silent disease” that…

7 years ago